About me

Hello! My name is Haoyu Wu. You can call me Seraphina. 

I'm a master student of University of Southern California.
My major is Computer Engineering. 

I’m very communicative, detail-oriented, and versatile. I like to think of myself as a 
team player. While I don’t mind taking on solo projects, I prefer to work with others.

I like to think that I’m persistent and creative. Working in Software Engineering, these
traits have served me well. Outside of work, I enjoy my leisure time. I hate boring and
nothing to do.    


Software Developer


Movie | Jazz | Baking | Photography | Music | Sport |

By the way, I like to record my life, you can find me on bilibili @源拉卡AND缘小妤 . May be youtube in the future.

Click link! Learn more about me!